Day One of Creation - There Was Light

Jan 28, 2018    Dr. Jack Hughes

This morning I to point out four features of the first day of creation from Gen. 1:2-5, so you can understand what happened, be protected from false views of origins and worship God your creator with zeal.

If you wrote an email to a friend telling them what you did day by day on your vacation, what is the chance your friend would think that each of those days were hundreds of millions of years long, or that there were millions of years between each of the days of your vacation? None. And yet, this is how many modern-day Christians interpret the days of creation. Remember, the interpretation of a text is what the original author meant for his original audience to understand by what he wrote. The interpretation is not what a text means to us, or what we wish it meant based on what we think it should say.

God tells us what He did day by day during the six days of creation. Bible believing Jews and Christians throughout the ages have understood the days of creation as 24 hour, sequential, solar days, a straightforward historical account of what happened based on the testimony of God, a firsthand witness, who told Moses, who then under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote it down. There are no billions, millions, hundreds, or tens of thousands of years in the creation week.