God the Creator, Part 1: God, Creation, and Time

Jan 7, 2018    Dr. Jack Hughes

This morning we embark on an exposition of the book of Genesis. Genesis has received many blows from the hammers of critics, some who even profess to be Bible-believing Christians, but as one wise preacher said, “the Bible is an anvil that has worn out many hammers!”

The God who knows all things, has existed in all times, and all dimensions, was there because He created the heavens and earth and all they contain! As the Apostle Paul says in Rom. 3:4, “let God be found true, though every man, be a liar.”

If you wonder what my approach is going to be in interpreting the book of Genesis, specifically the first eleven chapters, I am going to interpret it like I interpret the rest of the Bible, using a literal, historical, grammatical approach, paying attention to the contexts both near and far, using inspired cross reference to declare what the text says and means by what it says. If the literal sense makes sense, and there is reason in the context to not take it literally, we will take it literally!