Welcome to Anchor Bible Church!
Please watch this short greeting from Pastor Jack Hughes.
Our doctrinal statement
We want you to know what we believe and why that is vital for our spiritual growth and health.
Our distinctives
If you want to know what's important to us at Anchor Bible Church, you'll find it here.
Our leadership
Meet our pastor, staff, and leaders. It's helpful to put some names to faces.
New to the gospel? New to church?
We have a special area to answer your questions. We would love for you to check out what is there.
Want to get involved?
We would love to know you stopped by. You can fill out this digital welcome card right here!
Did you know we have an app?
We have a resource engine just for you! Our app is packed with tons of resources.
Our Sunday service information
Sunday School - 9:00am
Main Service - 10:00am
What to expect
You'll find we are an eager group of believers, who desire to worship the Lord in spirit and truth in our corporate gatherings. Because we have been saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, we desire to glorify God in all we say and do. The main event of our worship service is the preaching and teaching of God's Word. Our worship leaders prepare our hearts to receive God's Word by guiding us in God exalting songs and hymns and prayer.
Our worship service
Our worship service begins at 10am. Come early to visit! We love meeting new friends! Our services generally begin with singing, followed by prayer and Scripture reading, more singing and then the preaching of God’s Word. It’s our desire that everyone, including our children, get the most out of every sermon. Sermon notes can be found at the "welcome table" at the cafe on your right once you enter the building.
We meet on the Shelby campus of the University of Louisville in the Founders Union Building. You will see Anchor Bible Church signs from the road and in front of the building. You will enter in the double doors and take the stairs or elevator to the second floor ballroom.
We meet on the Shelby campus of the University of Louisville in the Founders Union Building. You will see Anchor Bible Church signs from the road and in front of the building. You will enter in the double doors and take the stairs or elevator to the second floor ballroom.
For your students
Our Anchor Youth is taking a break for the summer. Our students love the in-depth teaching in God's Word and the fellowship they enjoy with other students and our exceptional leaders. Stay tuned for youth starting back up in the fall!
For your children
We have children’s programs for infants through age 4 during our main service. Prior to the service, you can go to our children’s area, where someone will help you get your children checked into their classrooms. All children will meet in room 201 on the second floor of the Founders Union building. You will find it at the top of the stairs and directly to your left. To keep our children safe, we make sure every child receives a tag with their name and check in number on it. You'll also receive a tag with that number, which you'll need to have with you when you pick up your children at the end of the service.
We love having your children in our worship services! It's a great opportunity to train your children in learning to listen to and love the preaching of God’s Word. One way we facilitate that is by encouraging families to stay together in the worship service until the children can be taken to their classrooms by their parents. This usually happens during the announcements before the sermon begins. Infants and toddlers can be left with our children’s ministry workers prior to the start of the service as well.
We love having your children in our worship services! It's a great opportunity to train your children in learning to listen to and love the preaching of God’s Word. One way we facilitate that is by encouraging families to stay together in the worship service until the children can be taken to their classrooms by their parents. This usually happens during the announcements before the sermon begins. Infants and toddlers can be left with our children’s ministry workers prior to the start of the service as well.
Foundations of a Healthy Church sermon series
If you want to look deeper into who we are as a local body of believers, this is a wonderful series of sermons that would be helpful for you to watch or listen to. This 25 part series gives the foundations of what the Bible says that makes a "healthy" church.