3 Steps to a Firmer Faith

Sep 14, 2020    Lisa Hughes

Elisabeth Elliot’s father told her, “A Christian who is saturated with the Word is likely to have a calm, wholesome outlook on life; to be kept steady in the path of God's will in either joy or sorrow, wealth or poverty; he is likely to be a pleasant companion, not voluble in aimless talk; and he will not be overly disturbed by world conditions.”

We have need to be just like those noble-minded Bereans that we respond with steadfast faith, abiding hope, unflinching courage in the face of chaos and change. May we all grow even more this year in our faithfulness to filter the messages of the world, to be women of the Word, to take advantage of the many teaching times we have here, that we would be women who eagerly search the Scriptures daily so we will grow in discernment and wisdom, so that we stand firm in the faith and God is put on display in our lives!