Coffee, Chocolate, and a Book Exchange

May 22, 2023    Lisa Hughes

Our emphasis in this little get together is not the coffee, not the chocolate, not even the books. No, our focus is the same as it’s always been, which is to build you up in the faith, in your knowledge of the Lord Himself and your understanding of the Word, and to equip you so your love and service to the saints is as God would have it be. 

In our time together I want to briefly remind you of the bigger picture of what we do at Anchor Bible Church in everything that is planned and prepared for you because any time we gather, we have more in mind than simply the events of the evening. We want our gatherings to be ones that fill your souls, that prepare you for life “out there”, that equip you to love the Lord Jesus better, that help you walk in holiness and help you learn to minister to one another in a more biblical and soul-strengthening way.