The Gritty Battle All Women Must Fight: Discovering God’s Divinely Powerful Help for You

Sep 11, 2023    Lisa Hughes

We’re going to look at 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 to see what we can learn about the "Gritty Battle All of Us Must Fight" and the Divinely Powerful Help God Gives us to Fight it. We must remember that though we live in our fleshly bodies in this world, we fight an otherworldly fight. Our mind is the battleground and the right weapon for winning this war is the Word of God. With the Word of truth in our hands, we are well armed to fight the spiritual battles of the culture, of the world, and even the battles in our own hearts. But we must be well-trained for the fight. From this passage, we'll learn how we can fight God's way, with God's help to His glory!