A Heritage of Blessing

May 17, 2024    Lisa Hughes

When sifting and sorting through family recipes, much-loved meals, and our traditions attached to them, have a way of reminding us of our family customs, preferences, and quirks that we continue to enjoy and desire to pass on to others. We also have a spiritual heritage passed down to us from our first father, Adam. From him we gained chaos, sin, and death. Yet, our great God and loving Father provided a new family heritage for us in the second Adam, our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, conquering death, and providing us with hope of rescue, healing, and eternal life. Our heavenly inheritance in the Lord satisfies our hearts beyond that of any earthly meal. Charles Spurgeon said, “The upright man leaves his heirs his example, and this in itself will be a mine of true wealth.” May your own legacy be one of diligence, faith, hope, and perseverance to the glory of God and our Lord Jesus!