Answering Your Questions about Homeschooling

Apr 8, 2024    Kellee Thurmond, Sandra Palmer, Tena Smith

Anchor Bible Church is not a "homeschool only" church, yet because so many of our Mommies are homeschooling, we felt it would be helpful to devote an evening to the ins and outs of homeschooling and dealing with specific questions about choosing curriculum, instructing multiple children, dealing with paperwork and state regulations, and much more. Kellee Thurmond encouraged the moms from Proverbs 29:25 that homeschooling out of a fear of man will bring a snare, to not fall into the comparison game, and to remember that every family is responsible before the Lord for their schooling choice. Our desire at Anchor Bible Church is to encourage every family to excel in the calling the Lord has for them, one of which is schooling options.