How Fearful Parenting Produces Lopsided Kids (Includes Q and A panel)

Feb 27, 2023    Lisa Hughes

There are so many things that can make a Mommy fearful! We may not have even voiced some of our fears, but they are there in our hearts, nonetheless. The problem with fear is that it is extremely contagious. It spreads easily to others and it infects how we think and respond to the events around us. Most dangerous of all, it spreads through our parenting so that our kids suffer from its symptoms too. When our focus is off the Lord, we don’t teach or train our kids in a right manner. And we definitely don’t help them learn how to live for His glory in the midst of a broken world. Yet, every parenting fear that we have can be dealt with at its core by applying some key truths from Psalm 16. Meditating on these truths will help us parent from a biblically humble, healthy, and hopeful perspective so our kids can grow into the well-rounded people God intends them to be.