Show Yourself a Man!
Oct 27, 2018 • Dr. Jack Hughes • Annual Men's Conference - Walking in Wisdom
Men, the world we live in distorts what it means to be a man, the leader of a home, one given the mandate by his Creator to “work by the sweat of his brow,” protect and provide for his wife and children, to be a man of character, and most importantly, to be a spiritual leader in his home and church. As Christian men, we cannot let the world reprogram our thinking. We need to be men of the Book! We cannot let the world brainwash us into being passive, effeminate, or let our wives lead us. We need to be men of God, masculine, leaders, protectors, servants, lovers of one wife, defenders of the truth, faithful fathers who stand firm on the truth of God’s Word. We need to be valiant for truth and show ourselves to be men!