Join us every Sunday at 6pm EST!

The Summer Sessions 2021

This Summer, "Display Strength and Take Action"

The Summer Sessions - a week of concentrated Bible teaching, treats, food, and fellowship to help you stay focused on the Lord until ministries start back up in the fall.

Hosted by Anchor Bible Church in Louisville, Kentucky

July 19 - 23, 2023

The people who know their God will display strength and take action.

Daniel 11:32


Wednesday - July 19th

Grace Evangelical Free Church

6:00 - 6:45   Dinner

6:45 - 8:00   Session 1 - Dr. Jack Hughes

8:00 - 8:30   Fellowship

Thursday - July 20th (Early start time)

Beckley Creek Park - PwC Pavilion1

5:30 - 6:15   Bring Your Own Picnic Dinner

6:15 - 7:15   Session 2 - Dr. Kyle Swanson

7:15 - 7:45   Fellowship and Sweet Treat

Friday - July 21st (Men's Night)

Crestwood Civic Club2

6:00 - 6:45   Dinner

6:45 - 8:00   Session 3 - Dr. Kyle Swanson

8:00 - 8:30   Fellowship

Saturday - July 22nd (Ladies Lunch)

Crestwood Civic Club2

11:00 - 11:45  Lunch

11:45 - 12:55  Session 4 - Josie Padilla

12:55 - 1:15   Fellowship

Sunday - July 23rd

Grace Evangelical Free Church

6:00 - 7:30  Session 5 - Dr. Kyle Swanson

7:30 - 8:30  Fellowship and Shaved Ice

Session Speakers

Dr. Rick Goertzen

The pastor-teacher at Shades Mountain Community Church in Hoover, Alabama, Rick has pastored for over 30 years after receiving his education at Southeastern Bible College and The Master’s Seminary.
Session Topics:
Meditation - Seriously, it is necessary!  (Selected Scriptures)
The Word of God, Serious and Sound (Psalm 119:11)

Kris Goertzen

Women’s leader, Bible teacher, and conference speaker, Kris has faithfully served alongside her husband, Rick, in ministry.
Session Topic:
The Mind of Christ  
(Philippians 2:5-8)

Jacob Higdon

One of our shepherding group leaders, back up preachers, and a deacon at Anchor Bible Church, Jacob is currently getting further training in pastoral ministry.
Session Topic:
Men of the Word  (Hebrews 4:12)

Dr. Jack Hughes

Our pastor-teacher at Anchor Bible Church, Jack has pastored for over 30 years after receiving his training from The Master’s Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary.
Session Topic:
The Goal of Biblical Instruction
(1 Timothy 1:5)

Paul Webel

One of our shepherding group leaders and backup preachers at Anchor Bible Church, Paul, a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is currently pursuing pastoral ministry.
Session Topic:
Wisdom from God
(Proverbs 2:1-6)


All meals,  tea, and lemonade will be provided by Anchor Bible Church.   Sign up is required.


Chick-Fil-A Box Meal

Sandwich Box

8-Count Nugget Box

Chips and Cookie


Pack Your Own Picnic Dinner!

Drinks and Crumbl Cookies provided

- Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies

- Mini Frosted Sugar Cookies

Friday (Men's Night)

Momma's BBQ Buffet

Brisket, Pork, Chicken

Potato Salad, Green Beans

Garden Salad

Sweet Treat

Saturday (Ladies Lunch)

Salsarita's Fajita Bar

Grilled Chicken and Steak, Soft Flour Tortillas

Fajita Vegetables, Mexican Rice, Black Beans

Refried Beans, Lettuce, Cheese, Sour Cream

Chips and Salsa, Queso, Pico de Gallo

Sweet Treat


Kona Ice Truck

Shaved Ice (Assorted Flavors)

* Menu subject to change due to availability

If you would like to donate toward the cost of meals, please do so by using the regular offering box or by giving online.


Childcare will be provided for infants through age 4.   Sign up is required.

Tuesday (Guys Only)
No childcare
Childcare provided. Sign-up below.
Childcare provided. Sign-up below.
Childcare provided. Sign-up below.
Saturday (Ladies only)
No childcare
Childcare provided. No sign-up.